Accessing health services during lockdown

On Monday 4 January the First Minister announced a national lockdown, beginning on Tuesday 5 January.

We understand the stress that health worries can cause, particularly at this time. Our doctors, nurses, other health professionals and support team are here in the surgery and working as hard as they can, every day, to make sure you get the care you need in a safe way.

If you need to call the practice, please be respectful to our call handling team: this means they’ll be able to help you and other patients more quickly,

At Riverside Medical Practice we’re taking the following steps to keep you and our staff safe. All General Practices in Scotland are taking the same steps, in line with Scottish Government guidance.

  • We’ll continue to provide appointments via phone or via video consultation first, to see if you need to come to Riverside for a face-to-face appointment.
  • The main entrance to the building is locked: you should only visit Riverside if you have an appointment. Please register online and only come in with your forms if you can’t register online. 
  • Some routine check-ups may be postponed, if the risk of you attending the surgery outweighs the risk of postponing.

Please read the information at to find out more about NHS services you can access, including what General Practices have been asked to do, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Help us to look after you and the NHS this winter

  • There are a range of services you can call direct for assessment, rather than going through our busy main phone line. These include physio, mental health services, and services offered by the community treatment & care team, including wound care and B12 injections.
  • Use the NHS inform website to get advice on common symptoms, guidance for self-help and where to go if you need further medical care.
  • Contact us during practice opening hours for an appointment or over-the-phone advice.
  • Call 111 day or night when you think you need A&E but it’s not life-threatening, or to access a Minor Injuries Unit
  • Go to A&E or call 999 for life-threatening emergencies only.
  • Call 111 if you’re too ill to wait for Riverside to open, or for worsening COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Call 111 and select the Mental Health Hub to access mental health advice and guidance or call the Breathing Space telephone helpline on 0800 83 85 87.