Thank you for completing our registration form

We’ve received your registration form safely.

It may take up to a week for us to process your registration form. We can only start providing care to you once we’ve processed your registration form. If you included your mobile number on the registration form, you’ll receive a text message once we’ve registered you. Please don’t send any online prescription requests to us before we confirm we’ve processed your registration.

Before we can set up any repeat prescriptions for you, we either need to receive notification of your medication list from your old Practice or for you to book a GP appointment here to discuss your medication needs.

If you need urgent medical assistance before we process your form, please call us on 0300 790 6266 or ask at the Reception desk and we’ll do our best to try and register you as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please do read the information we’ve put together for new patients. You can also find hard copies of this information in our patient booklet, which is available at Reception or in our waiting room.