Long-term conditions review

Long term conditions review – form A

Please note your blood pressure readings down on a piece of paper, following the guidance below. Then enter all the readings into this online form, once you have them all. Hard copy forms are available at Reception if you prefer.

How to take your blood pressure

  • We encourage patients to get their own blood pressure monitor, which can be bought from pharmacies, big supermarkets and online for around £15. There’s a blood pressure monitor and scales in our waiting room if needed.
  • Take readings for at least five days, twice a day – once in the morning and one in the evening .
  • Just take as many as you can, if you’re using the machine in the waiting room.
  • Take your blood pressure while sitting down.
  • For each blood pressure reading, take two measurements at least 1 minute apart – enter the lowest.
  • Some blood pressure monitors may display in the format ‘140/80’ and some show the numbers one above the other – the first or top number is the systolic (sys) reading and the last or bottom number is the diastolic (dia) reading.
Has the Practice asked you to complete this form?
Please don’t complete this form.

This form should only be completed by patients who have been asked to do so by the Practice.

Have you got a follow-up appointment booked?
Please don’t complete this form yet.

Contact the Practice after 11am Monday-Friday on 0300 790 6266 (or come to the front desk) and ask to book a long-term conditions review follow-up appointment.

Please come back and complete this form after you’ve booked the appointment – at least two days before the appointment.

Contact details

Please use format day/month/year e.g. 06/09/1978

Your height and weight


Unit of measurement *


NHS Lothian Weight Management Programme

If you’d like help with managing your weight, you can self-refer to NHS Lothian’s specialist programme if you meet certain criteria. For more details please visit their website >>

Smoking status

Support to stop smoking

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health. It’s never too late to stop smoking and your health will improve soon after you quit.

NHS Inform has advice to support you every step of the way – from getting ready to stop, making a quit plan, and dealing with cravings. It also has information on how to stop smoking if you are pregnant.

If you’d like additional personalised, free support face-to-face or over the phone then NHS Lothian’s trained practitioners can help – for more details visit the Quit Your Way East Lothian website.


How much alcohol do you typically drink each day?

Your blood pressure

  • We encourage patients to get their own blood pressure monitor, which can be bought from pharmacies, big supermarkets and online for around £15. There’s a blood pressure monitor and scales in our waiting room if needed.
  • Take readings for at least five days, twice a day – once in the morning and one in the evening .
  • Just take as many as you can, if you’re using the machine in the waiting room.
  • Take your blood pressure while sitting down.
  • For each blood pressure reading, take two measurements at least 1 minute apart – enter the lowest.
  • Some blood pressure monitors may display in the format ‘140/80’ and some show the numbers one above the other – the first or top number is the systolic (sys) reading and the last or bottom number is the diastolic (dia) reading.

Day 1



Day 2



Day 3



Day 4



Day 5



Day 6



Day 7



Average Readings

Privacy Policy

This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.