News update


With Covid-10 restrictions changing today across Scotland we wanted to give patients an update on how this will impact your care at Riverside.

The guidance for healthcare settings, including at Riverside, hasn’t changed. So when in the building please continue to:

  • wear a mask, unless you’re exempt
  • follow social distancing guidance

As was the case for some time before the pandemic, we aren’t able to book GP appointments or appointments for the health board’s CWIC service at the front desk – please help our team by not requesting this. We continue to run a same-day appointments service for new health concerns.

Please call to book an appointment on 0300 790 6266 – call from 8am to book GP or CWIC team appointments and after 10am for everything else, including booking nurse appointments and blood tests.

Our receptionists will ask you the reason for your call, so they can make sure you get the right care, from the right health professional. This might be at the Practice or at another local health board service. Our clinical triage team and experienced team supervisors support our call handlers to do this – all information you give is treated in the strictest confidence.

  • If your appointment is at Riverside: our Reception team will talk to you about whether a telephone or face-to-face appointment would be the best option for you.

  • If your appointment is with the health board’s CWIC service: the CWIC team will offer you a phone appointment first, with a same-day face-to-face appointment afterwards if needed. 

You can find more information about our appointments system here >>

We’d like to thank all of our patients for their support and patience during the pandemic. We feel that we’re now somewhat closer to ‘a new normal’ and very much hope that this continues.

The Riverside Team