Nurse, blood test and chronic disease review appointments

Appointments with our nurses and phlebotomists can be made up to around six weeks in advance. This includes blood tests, blood pressure checks, smear tests and other nurse appointments.

We recommend calling at one of our quieter times, such as late afternoon, to book a nurse or phlebotomist (blood test) appointment.

If you know you need a repeat test, you can book these with the Reception team while you’re in the surgery, up to 6 weeks in advance. This includes pre-chemo bloods. This means you won’t need to call us and wait on the phone to book your next appointment.

Chronic disease clinics

Our routine clinics for chronic conditions (including diabetes, asthma and others) are currently on hold due to the pandemic, but if you have new symptoms or you feel your condition isn’t under control please call us to book a review appointment with Diane or Delia, our Lead Nurses.