Patient Services: your feedback

Patients aged 16 years old and over can now sign up for Patient Services, which allows you to book certain types of appointments online.

We hope that if patients who are online choose to book appointments via Patient Services, it will help to reduce some pressure from our busy phoneline and therefore also improve access for patients who need (or prefer) to continue booking by telephone. Some advance GP appointments are reserved each day for booking over the phone. 

Patient Services has been tested by our Patient Panel and their feedback taken on board. We welcome further feedback from all patients about Patient Services – thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.

Please note though that we’re unable to make adjustments to how the Patient Services website itself looks or works.

Patient Services feedback form
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I found it easy to sign up for a Patient Services account
The information about what types of appointments I COULD and COULDN’T book online was clear
The information about WHO can book appointments online (and who can’t) was clear
I understood how I could update my contact details online
I like being able to book advance GP appointments online
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