Pilot project patient feedback form

Riverside Medical Practice and the East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership’s CWIC service are running a pilot project which aims to improve access for Riverside patients. It’s part of a national Healthcare Improvement Scotland programme, to improve access to primary care across Scotland.

Under the pilot project, if patients call Riverside with two certain types of issues, then patients will be booked two separate assessments:

  • The CWIC team will call you back about the issue they can help with and arrange a further face-to-face appointment at CWIC if necessary – find out more about what the CWIC team can help with here
  • A Riverside nurse practitioner will call you back if the second issue is around your mental health, a potential musculoskeletal issue or if you need certain types of medication review.

We hope this will help to better use the daily allocation of appointments that CWIC provide for Riverside patients, and mean more GP appointments are available at Riverside when people need to see a GP.

Thank you for giving your time to complete the short feedback form about your experience today.

Pilot project feedback form
Have you received a text message asking you to fill in this feedback form?
This form is only to gather feedback from patients registered at Riverside Medical Practice, about a pilot project to improve access for patients. If you haven’t received a text message asking you to fill in this form, please don’t fill it in.
Was it clear that two assessments would be booked for you?
0 of 150 max characters
Was it clear that CWIC would call you to provide an on-the-day telephone assessment?
0 of 120 max characters
Was it clear that a Riverside Nurse Practitioner would also call you back the same day, to discuss your mental health issue, musculoskeletal problem or medication review?Not sure
0 of 120 max characters
Were you happy to be booked two assessments today, and with your overall experience?
0 of 120 max characters

If you’d prefer that we didn’t send you text messages in the future please call or email us to let us know. Please be aware that this means the Practice wouldn’t be able to send you any text messages at all – which would include appointment reminders, and may include invitations to health checks, information about results, and any other messages from doctors, nurses and our Reception team.

This form collects your email address and any other contact or medical details you enter. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.
