We’re proud to have a strong team of dedicated health professionals working here at Riverside, who serve the community of Musselburgh and provide our patients with high quality primary care. The number of whole-time equivalent GPs we have per 1,000 patients is in line with BMA recommendations.
Our clinical team is made up of:
- Four GP Partners
- Sixteen GPs, with additional support from locum GPs when needed
- One ST3 (or GP registrar – fully qualified doctors doing their final year of GP training at Riverside)
- Four General Practice Specialist Nurses (two chronic disease specialists and two triage nurses)
- Senior Clinical Nurse
- Specialist Paramedic
- Treatment room nurse
- Two phlebotomists
Our Administrative team includes our Practice Manager; Business Manager; Medical Secretaries, PA, Data Coder; Communications & Patient Experience Manager; call room supervisors; and our call handling/admin team.
We also have a number of East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership staff working with us at the Practice, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and a substance use nurse, and a number of community linkworkers.
We work closely with our colleagues in the local health board’s musculoskeletal, mental health and community nursing services, who our patients can self-refer to.
We always aim to treat patients with kindness and respect, and ask that patients treat our team in the same way.