District Nurses – 0131 446 4205
The District Nursing team attached to the Practice give nursing care to patients in their homes, at the request of the Practice staff.
Health visitors – 0131 446 4213
Health visitors are qualified nurses with additional training and experience in all aspects of child health, health promotion and education. They offer practical support and advice in a variety of situations, working primarily with children and families in all aspects of physical and mental health.
Health Visitor Preschool Immunisation Clinic
This clinic is run by the community vaccination team, at the the outpatient department on the first floor of the Musselburgh Primary Care Centre. The Child Health Surveillance team sends out appointments in the post. Please register your child with the GP to make sure you get these letters.
To book your initial booking appointment, call Centralised Booking on 0131 536 2009.
To contact a midwife after this, call the Community Midwife Team on 01620 642 707.
Although we work very closely with all associated staff, they may not be based within the practice.