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Appointments and enquiries (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm) 0300 790 6266

Email us

Please read the below to see if your query is one we can help with by email – if it isn’t, we unfortunately won’t be able to respond. Please be aware that it may take up to 5 days for us to respond to your email. This inbox isn’t continuously monitored.

This email address CAN’T be used

It CAN be used

  • to cancel appointments
  • by patients with an issue such as hearing loss or other different needs, if they need to book an appointment – please clearly mark ‘patient with hearing loss’ for example, in the subject line of your email
  • for general enquiries about our services, or media enquiries
  • to send hospital letters to us
  • to follow up on prescriptions which are overdue only (click here to see expected timelines) or incorrect
  • to request a GP letter, medical summary or medical records – you need to attach a letter to your email which includes your name, address, date or birth and signature.

Other health services

You can call these services direct – you don’t need to call us first. The exception to this is CTACS – please click here to see which CTACS services you can self-refer to and which need a referral first.

CWIC mental health team (ELHSCP service)
Mon – Fri 9am – 4pm
0300 790 6292
MSK team (ELHSCP service)
Investigation, diagnosis and treatment for joint, muscle and bone issues.
Phoneline open Mon – Fri 9 – 11.30am
Appointments available at other times
0300 369 0680
NHS 24
Call 24/7 for minor injuries and A&E triage; and when the Practice is closed.
CTACS – Community Treatment & Care Service
Community nursing team – (ELHSCP service)
(Click for hours and services offered)
0300 790 6292
To book your initial booking appointment, call Centralised Booking. To contact a midwife after this, call the Community Midwife Team.
0131 536 2009 Centralised Booking
01620 642 707 Community Midwives
Roodlands X-ray01620 642 732
Outpatient department0131 446 4152
Dental0131 446 4000
Podiatry0131 536 1627

Community staff

District nurses0131 446 4205
Health visitors0131 446 4213

Feedback and complaints

We take all complaints extremely seriously. Please visit the complaints page on our website to find out how to submit a complaint. If your concern is about a local health board-run service including CTAC, CWIC, CWIC mental health or the MSK line please contact the NHS Patient Experience team.