Flu vaccines & Covid boosters

If you need help to book online – or have any other queries at all about Covid vaccines (including boosters) and flu jags – please call the Lothian helpline on 0300 790 6296 or the National Covid Vaccination Helpline on 0800 030 8013.

If you fall into one of the below groups you can now book your Covid booster and flu jags online via the link below. You can only have your booster if at least 6 months has passed since your second vaccine.

The East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership are now delivering vaccination programmes so appointments will be offered at a variety of local venues (including Musselburgh Primary Care Centre) rather than in the Practice itself.

  • aged 50 and over – booking will open for those aged 40-49 at a later date
  • unpaid carer aged 16 years or over
  • if you’re 16 years or over and live with someone who’s immuno-suppressed
  • housebound patients will continue to be vaccinated at home by the District Nursing or main ELHSCP vaccination team

Click here to get to the booking portal >>

Follow the guidance on the booking portal to find your username and password.

More information about Covid status, Covid passports, vaccine exemption certificates and Covid recovery certificates >>

Do take up these offers as quickly as you can, to keep you and your loved ones (and your health services) safe this winter.